Panel Presentations

Panel 3.4X: Automotive Software Engineering

Tuesday, May 6, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

This panel will gather leading experts on automotive software development from carmakers, suppliers and research organizations in the US and Europe. These experts will discuss opportunities, trends and demands for software-related technologies, architectures, methods and tools to develop and integrate software-based car functions.

The panel moderator will pose questions, and the panel will also take questions from the audience. Questions to be addressed include:

Through such questions and the ensuing discussion we hope to raise awareness on Automotive Software Engineering in the software community and stimulate contributions in automotive software research and development.

Panel Chair:
Manfred Broy
Technical University Munich

Panelists include:
Ulrich Weinmann, Manging Director, BMW Car IT GmbH
Klaus Grimm, Director of SW Technology Research, DaimlerChrysler AG
Michael Reinfrank,Director of Powertrain Software, Siemens VDO Automotive AG
Erich Nickel, Director of Global Sales, IBM Telematics Solution

(Panelists' Biographies).

Panel 4.3: Empirical Evaluation: What, Why, When, Where

Tuesday, May 6, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Opinions as to the methodology to apply to validate SE research appear to be in disagreement. Without some consensus, an SE researcher is faced with a difficult task of convincing their peers that their selected methodology is appropriate, let alone the details of their validation. Topics to be considered in this panel session include: quantitative vs. qualitative validation; studying the world as it is vs. how it would be with a given technology introduced; control vs. analyzability; evidence justifying further research vs. evidence justifying industrial adoption. A lively debate will be encouraged.

Panel Chair:
Rob Walker
University of Calgary

Lionel C. Briand, Carleton University
David Notkin, University of Washington
Carolyn B. Seaman, University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering - Maryland
Walter F. Tichy, Universität Karlsruhe

(Panelists' Biographies).

Panel 6.3E: Software Engineering Undergraduate Education -- Pro and Con

Wednesday, May 7, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

That there is a significant need for software engineering courses to better prepare students for the reality of building and evolving software systems is beyond any doubt. What is controversial is the context of software engineering education. Is it best served in the traditional context of existing computer science or computer engineering majors, or does it need a new context of a separate undergraduate software engineering major. The question is complicated by the fact that CS and CE are often in different colleges rather than aligned together. Depending on the view taken there are then subsidiary issues such as appropriate preparation as well as appropriate course structures, etc.

Panel Chair:
Dewayne E. Perry
Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin

Don Bagert, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Rich LeBlanc, Georgia Institute of Technology
Hausi Muller, University of Victoria
Wilhelm Schaefer, University of Paderborn
Michal Young, University of Oregon

Panel 12.3: Modularity in the New Millenium: A Discussion

Thursday, May 8, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Since Parnas' early work on separation of concerns in design, there has been a growing sentiment in many quarters that there are some concerns that stubbornly resist tidy confinement, when using traditional modularization mechanisms in programming languages. Several new approaches have emerged, in disparate quarters: aspect-oriented programming, multi-dimensional separation of concerns, mixins and mixin layers, and monads. While these approaches arose independently, they have each developed (to varying degrees) technical maturity, found applications in the real world, and attracted strong followers. We also are now beginning to see strong scholarly comparisons of the intellectual foundations and practical utility of these different approaches. The goal of this panel is to bring together leading experts in the different areas, to support and stimulate comparative analysis of these approaches.

Panel Chair:
Prem Devanbu
University of California, Davis

Bob Balzer, Tecknowledge Corp
Don Batory, University of Texas, Austin
Gregor Kiczales, University of British Columbia
John Launchbury, Oregon Graduate Institute
David Parnas, University of Limerick
Peri Tarr, IBM Reseach