Speaker Biography

Craig Larman is the author of Applying UML and Patterns-an Introduction to OOA/D and the Unified Process, the best-selling text on OOA/D, iterative development, and the agile UP, used worldwide in industry and colleges. He is currently writing Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide, which also covers the topic.

Over the last 4 years, he has worked with many organizations in Europe and the North America to help them adopt the UP in an agile spirit, perhaps most notoriously by co-authoring with Philippe Kruchten the paper "How to Fail with the RUP: Seven Steps to Pain and Suffering." In his role as Director of Process and Chief Scientist for Valtech, an international consulting company, he has served many clients in their adoption of the UP, and led the transition of Valtech itself to adopt the agile UP.

Craig has presented many "agile UP" related seminars and keynotes over the years. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in computer science, specializing in knowledge-based systems.