Formatting Instructions for ICSE 2004 Proceedings

These instructions apply to all materials to be included in the ICSE 2004 Conference Proceedings. This includes the following types of submissions currently being accepted:

* Technical Papers - Research and Experience

You may use any document preparation tools you wish, but please note that any submissions that do not follow the formatting guidelines are likely to be returned for amendment. Check your submission against the instructions carefully! Note that the page size that your document should be set to is NOT A4. Make sure that any diagrams included are large enough to be easily legible.

A pdf document with full formatting instructions is available here
A pdf format template, that can be used in conjunction with these instructions is available here

A template for Word documents is available here
A word format template, that can be used in conjunction with these instructions is available here

A zip file containing Latex template and style files is available for download here