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Software Process Improvement: Methods and Lessons Learned

Bill Curtis

The growing functionality expected from modern products and systems has resulted in an exponential growth in the software required to run them. During the 1970s and the early 1980s, software developers focused their investments on advanced workstations, languages, and CASE tools to improve their performance. The benefits of these investments were far lower than promised. A software process movement emerged in the mid-1980s when shortcomings in managing development and maintenance processes were recognized as prime inhibitors of growth in software productivity and quality.

Bill Curtis is Vice President and Chief Scientist with TeraQuest Metrics, Inc., a company that works with client organizations to improve their software development capability. He is a former Director of the Software Process Program in the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He works with the SEI, is a founding faculty member of the Software Quality Institute at the University of Texas, and he works with organizations to increase their software development capability.

1997 International Conference on Software Engineering
Last modified: 10 May 1997