Template for Tutorial Proposals

Tutorial proposals shall be written in ICSE proceedings format and shall not exceed 10 pages. The structure of the proposal must conform to the template given below.

> Title

Title of tutorial, name, affiliation, e-mail of the main author of the proposal

> Abstract

Abstract of the proposal (about 100-200 words).

> Presenters

For every presenter, the following information must be provided:

Name, e-mail-address, full postal address, phone and fax number, URL of personal homepage (if one exists), short bio (50-100 words). If a presenter has previous experience in teaching tutorials, provide the following information for all tutorials that she/he taught: Title, co-presenters (if any), duration, year, where taught.

> Duration

Half day or full day

> Goal and Objectives

The overall goal of the tutorial and some concrete objectives to be achieved.

> Scope

Intended audience, level (basic or advanced), required prerequisites.

> Teaching Method

The teaching method(s) that you will use in your tutorial.

> Summary of Contents (not exceeding two pages)

Here you summarize your tutorial in the style of an extended abstract. The summary must not exceed 1500 words or two pages in ICSE conference proceedings format, respectively.

Please note that this section should be the preliminary version of the two-page summary in the proceedings that you will be required to submit if your proposal is accepted.

> Structure of Contents

Here you should provide a structured overview of your planned tutorial, organized into numbered sections and sub-sections. For each sub-section, you should sketch its contents in a few sentences or bullets.

> References

Provide references to papers, books, etc. where your tutorial builds on.

> Sample Slides

Prepare three sample slides from the presentation that you would give if your tutorial were accepted. Select slides that are typical for your presentation style. These slides have to be submitted in a separate PDF file.